Just Think About the Universe For Once

This applies to other religions as well.

Scientists: All Men Look at Porn

I saw this in my Twitter feed today. Christian, what's your view of the sin of lust? Jesus: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5:28) I'm told Martin Luther said, "we cannot control what birds fly over our heads. We can only control whether they build nests in our hair." This is supposed to mean the sin of lust is not involuntarily seeing something improper; the sin is in entertaining the thought once it comes. But when it comes to porn it is almost always a deliberate act. LINK.

Quote of the Day On The Bible, Gross Income Inequity and the Christian Evangelical Right, by Daniel Wilcox

This is one of the main reasons I finally came to the conclusion that Christianity couldn't be true. The most devout Evangelical Christians tended to be the most self-centered/ethnocentric contrasted to a wide variety of others who were far more generous. LINK

I Don't See How Democratic Socialism Can Fail

The twin goals of Democratic Socialism are to meet human needs and at the same time produce economic growth. So long as people maintain those goals I don't see how Democratic Socialism can fail. The reason is because it's democratic. It might have setbacks, I know. So excesses to the left or right need their corresponding correctives so that a balance can be maintained between meeting human needs and economic growth. It's a hard balance to sustain for decades. So whenever human needs are not being met the populace will demand a corrective to the status quo. Likewise, whenever economic growth suffers greatly that too will demand a corrective, since it doesn't meet human needs either. Although surely, the more we work at it then the better we get, so we don't have excesses in the first place.

Neither pure socialism (or even communism) nor unbridled laissez-faire economics work. What's left? Call it democratic socialism or socialized democracy if you want, but I'm endorsing Bernie Sanders because of his specific policy proposals. I like them. I think they can work. There is nothing in them that calls for the end of capitalism. It's time for his kind of change.

The Bible, Gross Income Inequity and the Christian Right

I have been pushing for Bernie Sanders with his Democratic Socialism. There has been quite a kickback from the very people who should be endorsing this position, right-wing Republican evangelical Christians. Here's a bit of what I've been saying in opposition to the conservative status quo.

Bible quote: Jesus said, "if you wish to inherit my kingdom, go and sell all your possessions and give the profits to the poor, then come and follow me." (Matthew 19:21)

Actual Christian response:
I'm not sure where you're going with this thought as the quote is simply addressing the dangers of people relying on Government help without working and trying to provide for themselves and contribute to society. I believe the Bible passage you quoted to be more about letting go of items such as wealth that inhibit us from following Jesus with our whole heart rather than dictating how the poor are to be taken care of.

The Bible is quite clear in both. The New Testament and the Old Testament that we are to work to provide for ourselves and our families. Here are just a couple quotes:

2 Thessalonians 3 10-12: For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.

Proverbs 14:23: In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.
John Loftus:

First off, notice the radical individualism inherent with the misuse of these texts. This may be the over-all problem in America, an antiquated Westward-Ho individualism, and it's still here today.

I Am a Social Democrat And You Should Be Too!

This is a visual demonstration using many graphs showing why we should be democratic socialists.
I am a Social Democrat. The reasoning is simple, if you care about social equality, freedom, democracy, quality of life etc., then Social Democracy is the best way to achieve these. Many European nations apply Social Democracy to a certain extent but there are four nations which are truly Social Democratic: Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. Let’s see how successful these nations are when it comes to what is important to a functioning society. LINK.

Anakin Has a Twitter Following of 24.6K

Now that's a very impressive number of followers. Anakin began quoting my book, so I asked him who he was, and began following him. I didn't expect what he told me. His name is John Matthew Leone, saying: "I'm a former Fundamental (later Evangelical) pastor from New Jersey. Graduated from a fundamental Baptist seminary with a MATS and helped to plant several churches in Philadelphia and one in Camden (NJ)." Below is why he's an atheist:

"Secular TeeJay" Has a Twitter Following of 13.8K

I don't know exactly how one gets a following that large (I know others have more), but I'm guessing it takes a lot of hard work, or someone with lots of followers to ReTweet your Tweets. We followed each other and I bid my readers to follow him. He told me his deconversion story which I placed below. I ask you, is it much different from a great many others we've heard? Seems like the Bible is the #1 reason people leave the Christian faith. So read the Bible!

Another One Bites the Dust: The Value of Books In a Deconversion

Here lies one of the most comprehensive lists of recent atheist books out there. The writer says "the 190 books below have largely (re)shaped my world view", then chooses the top 80 books from them. Mine made the list!

This former Seventh-Day Adventist from Australia began looking into atheism out of curiosity, beginning in 2008. What led this nurse away from faith entirely? "Books mostly, that's what did it. Only after that year did I see some videos, hear some podcasts, read some blogs, join some Facebook groups, attend an atheist convention, go to some meetup groups etc." And then an all too familiar sounding story played itself out:
My journey begins. The train pulls out of the station from outer suburban Melbourne. I am on it, I begin reading my "book one". The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I felt awkward, embarrassed even and read it behind a magazine to disguise the fact. I had picked it up on a whim, seemed many others were reading it. My motivation was curiosity, my expectation was that it was all rubbish and I knew better as a Christian, my hope was to be able to refute everything with an apologetic stance etc. Questions were raised.
Then the author says what so many of us have repeatedly said: "Consider reading "both sides", some apologetic books and rebuttals etc."

Notice the value of books here! Yes, books, not soundbites, not pithy sayings or pictured memes, not podcast interviews, not YouTube videos, not blog posts or Facebook updates. Books alone, out of the other media available, allow an author to produce a lengthy sustained case for something. Books are also the source for many of the ideas found in the other media.

Christian, have you done this? I've said it before and will say it again, if all you read are Christian defenses of your faith then you're not really interested in the truth. It would be like a Mormon who read nothing but the Book of Mormon, or Mormon defenses of the Mormon faith. It would be like a Muslim who read nothing but the Koran, or Muslim defenses of the Muslim faith. Get the picture? And if you don't read the books recommended by those of us who have rejected faith then you're not interested in the truth either. I say this to jolt you into making a conscious choice. I want Christians to make a conscious decision. Either start reading the books we recommend, or admit you really are not interested in the truth. I have produced a monthly book reading program for readers in what I call The Debunking Christianity Challenge. Read these twelve books. Start this week! [I really should update this challenge for 2016, but by the end of this year I will have published ten books, which means my ten choices for twelve months would be my books, and that ain't right, right?]

Phil Torres's New Book is Available Now

I wrote a blurb for it, as did a slew of important people. Link. Phil writes for us here at DC.

Help Eliminate Some Book Titles

Short but sweet and titles:
  1. The End of Philosophy of Religion
  2. Ending Philosophy of Religion
  3. On Ending Philosophy of Religion
Attention getting titles that better explain what my new book is about:
  1. The End of Philosophy of Religion: Why It Must End, How to End it and What Should Replace it.
  2. The End of Philosophy of Religion: On Keeping Philosophers and Educators Honest in the University
  3. An Atheist Educator’s Manifesto: Why Philosophers of Religion Should Teach This Discipline Honestly and Thereby Put Themselves Out of a Job
  4. An Atheist Educators Manifesto: Why Philosophy of Religion Should End in the Universities
  5. An Atheist Educators Manifesto: Why Religion Is Being Taught in Our Secular Universities and Why It Shouldn’t Be
  6. An Atheist Educators Manifesto: A Call for the Secularization of Our Universities by Ending Philosophy of Religion Departments
  7. An Atheist Educators Manifesto: Calling for the Secularization of Our Universities by Ending the Philosophy of Religion Discipline

Bernie Sanders Passes Hillary Clinton in the Polls!


Frank Zindler, the Voice of Atheism in America for at Least a Decade

Frank is a good friend of mine. We've spent several weekends together talking and laughing and telling stories. At the age of 76 he's still an indefatigable laborer on behalf of atheism. I've mentioned him several times [See tag]. Here's a picture of us from this past weekend.

Frank was the voice of atheism in America for at least a decade, and he earned the "Mr. Atheist" yearly award twice from American Atheists. Many young atheists and new people to atheism have never heard of him. They should. Ed Suominen, co-author with Robert Price of the book Evolving Out of Eden, wrote up a very nice celebration of Frank's life.

Below you'll watch Frank do a great job of debating William Lane Craig. This debate took place at the Willow Creek Church in 1994. I don't have the words to express my contempt for Jeff Lowder, whose only comment about Frank Zindler, a giant of a man, was that he's one of the worst atheist debaters. WTF? No really, WTF? It took my prodding to keep Lowder honest, since that's apparently a hard thing for him to do if left unchecked, by forcing him to change what he wrote. Now Lowder says this is one of a handful of the "worst atheist debate performances," and that too is nothing but dishonest self-promotion from a non-credentialed wannabe self-proclaimed "philosopher." For apparently we need Lowder to tell us what a bad debate performance looks like because we're just too dumb to think for ourselves. And yet Lowder refuses to say what everyone else but him thinks, that Richard Carrier's debate performance against William Lane Craig was one of the worst atheist debate performances, making Lowder a hypocrite as well.

Are We Wrong to Expect the Bible's Assertions to be Reliable? Part 4 by Steve Stewart

Steve Stewart was a music pastor in a large Evangelical church who's now a freethinker. This is Part 3 in a series of posts from a paper he wrote [See tag below for others].


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.   -Hebrews 13:8
1 John 3:8 says, ”The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.”  What works of the devil did He destroy? Isn’t there as much or more evil in the world now than before Jesus came?
Jesus said that His Father “has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners…to release the oppressed” (Luke 4:18-19).  Why doesn’t Jesus bring about the freeing of the 30 million exploited and powerless captives who are being held in slavery throughout the earth?
    The Jews were punished because they rejected and killed Jesus.  But what if they hadn’t?  The whole doctrine of Redemption through Jesus’ blood would be null and void.
When Jesus said, “Take no thought for the morrow,” (Matthew 6:34) didn’t he realize how many people would take him literally and therefore foolishly make no preparations for the future?  Shouldn’t He have qualified that statement?
Why doesn’t Jesus multiply loaves and fishes (Matthew 14:13-21) again to provide food for the 17,000 children all over the planet who die from hunger and starvation each and every day?
Why doesn’t Jesus again say “Peace! Be Still” (Mark 4:39) to the tornados, floods, hurricanes and typhoons that have been devastating the earth God made and killing its inhabitants?
Why doesn’t Jesus extend His healing hand in Haiti to strike down Cholera, which has stricken more than 660,000 people resulting in more than 8,300 deaths in the last few years?
How is it possible that Jesus said “Let the little children to come to me” (Matthew 19:14) and also that the Holy Spirit inspired, “Happy is the one who seizes his infants and dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalm 137:9)?



The New Atheism is a name given to a movement represented by Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens, all of whom wrote best-selling books that were highly critical of religion [1].

Although the New Atheism does not eschew the classical arguments against the existence of God, its focus is primarily on the immorality and harmful consequences of religious thinking itself. For some, the New Atheism is not merely atheistic, but also anti-theistic [2].

Another main feature of the New Atheism is a secular apocalyptic outlook born out of the events of September 11, 2001. A secular apocalyptic outlook refers to the view that religion has the potential to destroy humanity and our entire biosphere.

However, many secular and religious critics of the New Atheism have charged the New Atheism with a number of flaws. One is a lack of expertise in scriptural and religious studies that has led Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, and Hitchens to make pronouncements that are rightly viewed as simplistic or inaccurate in some cases.

This situation has led to the perception that the New Atheism has no experts in scriptural and religious studies that could challenge religious counterparts with as much or more expertise. Others have conflated all New Atheists as followers of a neoliberal or capitalist ideology. Still others note that all the representatives of the New Atheism are white males.

Accordingly, there is a need to identify a Second Wave of the New Atheism. Such a need was discussed briefly in Hector Avalos, The Bad Jesus: The Ethics of New Testament Ethics (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2015), but it received no elaboration [3].

Kenneth Winsmann On The Three Problems For Testing Petitionary Prayers

Kenneth responded to my post meant for honest Christians on how to test their prayers objectively. He did so by presenting three problems which I responded to each one of them. [Edit: These three problems were first argued by apologist Trent Horn, so when I argue against them I'm arguing against Trent Horn].

I have a few questions about your test that I have been developing since completing WIBA. I have three challenges to your test and would love to see what you think here.

1. The problem of interpreting results:

Imagine that every single prayer was answered. Would that mean that God exists? Or that I had developed some kind of new age focus technique that controls reality? A positive karma shield? Or maybe Satan is answering these prayers to fool me and keep me from becoming a muslim? Or perhaps Stephen Laws Evil God answered them to bring about some greater evil. What conclusions would I draw?

What if all of them fail completely. Nothing is answered. 100% negative response. What does that mean? Is God mad at me for testing Him? Is Satan trying to crush my faith? Is it all for a greater good? Bad Karma? Again, no answers.

If the hits and misses run right about equal what would that mean? If I concluded that God does not exist, wouldn't that be committing the fallacy of affirming the consequent?

Albany is in New York/' I am in New York/ Therefore I am in Albany

Easy to catch the fallacy right? But now run it with prayer

If God goes not exist my prayers will not be reliably answered/ my prayers have not been reliably answered/ therefore God does not exist

Same fallacy.
My response:

I Just Got Another Book Deal Today!

Just as I was beginning to think my book publishing days were over, thinking I had personally written all the books I had in me, I submitted a proposal just to test the waters one last time, and lo and behold it was accepted for publication! This happened just when I was beginning to think Randal Rauser had successfully minimized my influence. *Whew* THAT was a very close call!! NOT! More details will follow in the months to come. It makes me happy to make Rauser happy, and Marshall, and Lowder, and Reppert, and even Parsons!! David Marshall will now have at least two future books of mine to review, er, trash on Amazon, while Lowder will still be bookless to speak of, and will still be pleading for William Lane Craig to debate him. Dr. Craig, debate him for Pete's sake. Make that BS in computer science stop whining! Maybe I'll just keep on publishing books to keep them all happy...especially Marshall.

For the record I do not take kindly to bullies. Never have, never will. If you want my disdain then try bullying me. It motivates me. It really, really does motivate me. I can't explain why, maybe it comes from my potty training days. ;-) What I know is that I was born for this, for if this is not who I am, I wouldn't be doing what I do. All I can say is keep it up. It's like pouring gasoline on the fires of my passion. You should all be congratulated, or something!

The Value and Importance of An Outsider's View!

Look what I found on my twitter feed today! There is importance to an outsider's view! Where have you heard THAT before? We all realize how important this is in every other area. But when I say it regarding religious faith it's denied by Christian apologists. Why the double standard? No really, why the double standard? Please share.

A List of 101 Bible Discrepancies, by Steve Stewart

Steve Stewart was a music pastor in a large Evangelical church who's now a freethinker. This is Part 3 in a series of posts from a paper he wrote [See tag below for others].


All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.      -2 Timothy 3:16
Evangelical Christians believe that every word of the Bible as originally written was inspired by God.  Why hasn’t God acted throughout history to make sure the text passed down from one person/generation to another remained pure and unadulterated in the thousands of times it has been translated and/or copied?  Why are there thousands of textual variants in the very ancient copies?  Why didn’t he preserve the original “autographs” so that many textual disputes could be avoided?

Theodore Roosevelt And the Billionaries of Yesterday

"Billionaires already own much of our economy. That's not enough. Now, they want to own the United States government as well." --Bernie Sanders. Please share.

I'm linking to a four part series produced by the History Channel called The Men Who Built America. The series focuses on John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and J.P. Morgan, and how their business empires revolutionized modern society and also made them powerfully rich.

If you want to know the problems Theodore Roosevelt faced as the President in those days this is a much needed set of programs. Episode 4 is an absolute must! In episode 4 we see how "Rockefeller, Carnegie and Morgan team up to help elect William McKinley to the U.S. presidency by paying for his 1896 campaign, to avoid a possible attack on monopolies. However, fate intervenes when McKinley is suddenly assassinated, and vice president Theodore Roosevelt assumes the presidency and promptly begins dissolving monopolies and trusts in America." This series can also be found on Netflix and perhaps other such sites.

Hey Christian, You Can Test Your Prayers Objectively

Believers all around the world claim that their particular god answers petitionary prayers. An answered prayer is a request that is granted while an unanswered one is not, okay? From my experience all that's going on is something called selective observation, where a believer counts the hits and discounts the misses. Scientific studies have shown that these prayers don't get answered any better than luck. So if believers really want to know if God answers prayer then here's what to do:

Are We Wrong to Expect the Bible's Assertions to be Reliable? Part 2 by Steve Stewart


 Steve Stewart was a music pastor in a large Evangelical church who's now a freethinker. 



And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.      -Hebrews 11:6
Why is “faith” so important?  How can people in the 21st Century be expected to believe as absolute truth statements written down thousands of years ago purportedly from God and about God, but without current substantiation to affirm the trustworthiness of the statements?  The fact is, In order to trust God, we must trust/believe
  • The Bible
  • The versions of the Bible we read, and all the people involved in the translation processes from the original languages.
  • The fallible 4th Century men who finally decided which books should be part of the Bible, since God did not “dictate” what the list should include and exclude.
  • The people who actually penned the original manuscripts thousands of years ago that became the Bible
  • The absolute purity of memories of several generations of people who passed the stories and ideas on to others who passed them on to others, etc., down through the years before they were written down
  • The people who hand-wrote copies of the copies of the copies of the original manuscripts, none of which have survived.
  • The absolute integrity of every person involved in producing the Bible, from the first person who gave an account or a testimony of an event or teaching, to the translator of the ancient languages.
  • That nobody who wrote down any part of the Bible, nor anybody who passed on oral tradition before it was written down, had any hidden or private agendas, or had any private point of view which influenced how he/she worded any phrase or sentence.  Further, that no one involved exaggerated, lied, minced words, or altered or added words to the original.
  • All who were part of the process behind the Bible - the hundreds of men and women who lived thousands of years ago, most of whose identities, motives, ethics, life-issues, religious and cultural “baggage,” and intellect or emotional health we know nothing about.

On Whether I Should Respond To An Amazon Review

I have been slammed for responding to Amazon reviews so I'm questioning my own judgment on whether to respond to a recent one. I put a placeholder there just in case I decide to do so. What I don't get is that the first two paragraphs said some really nice things about my work, but that three later paragraphs stressed two things that are almost irrelevant if what was said earlier really mattered. It can be read here. Below is my potential response. Should I post it?
Thanks for your review and for your kind words in the first two paragraphs. I appreciate this very much!

As to the typos I think we have them all fixed for the next printing.

As far as the disdain goes, according to Google (which never lies) it's "the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt." I do have disdain for Christian apologetics, and yet paradoxically I'm giving it consideration in this book. So which is it? Are apologetics unworthy of consideration or not? Try writing a book on something you consider unworthy of consideration. That's the Catch-22. I tried not to let it show too much. I did want it to show a bit though. I don't think doing so was obtrusive. And even if it was, doesn't it show would-be apologists how little I think of the present state of Christian apologetics? And isn't that important for them to know?

But I'm not just writing to Christians. I'm also writing to atheists, especially those who wish to argue with Christians. Christians are not likely to read my book no matter what. So what makes you so sure I wrote it exclusively for them? I didn't. I see you rated Greta Christina's, "Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things That Piss Off the Godless" with 4 Stars, having deducted one star merely because some of the material was taken from her blog. She clearly shows disdain for Christians and Christianity. So you're holding me to a different standard. I wonder if I were more famous whether more atheists would rate my books higher simply because I was more famous. She is. I'm not. Thinking more highly of a famous person because she is famous is a known cognitive bias associated with the Bandwagon Effect.

If being an apologist requires "deceptive or dishonest argumentation: ignoring evidence, setting up double standards, perhaps even lie to defend [their] faith" as you wrote, then disdain is the inevitable outcome of being an expert in apologetics like I am. It's going to show through sometime.

But I get it. You want me to hide it better. You think that if I did a better job of hiding my disdain for the apologetic enterprise and for the people who specialize in bamboozling the uninformed, that my book might reach more would-be apologists. You actually seem to have hoped it would reach more apologists. You write as if this saddens you too. Yet here you are paradoxically revealing my disdain for apologetics in this review. That sounds counter-productive to our shared goals. Why not let would-be apologists find this out for themselves, rather than warn them of it, if you really want the book to reach them?

"Are We Wrong to Expect the Bible's Assertions to be Reliable?" Part 1 by Steve Stewart

Steve Stewart was a music pastor in a large Evangelical church who's now a freethinker.


For almost all my life I have been taught, have believed, and have taught others that the Bible from cover to cover is absolutely and infallibly true and inerrant, having been inspired by the Holy Spirit. This has been the position which I learned from my parents, our Baptist Church, my Mom’s Good News Club, my Presbyterian Church, the conservative Christian College I attended, the Evangelical Seminary where I earned my Masters of Divinity, and which I have held and taught through my many years of pastoral ministry. It’s why I received Christ as my Savior at a very early age, was baptized, and later ordained to the Ministry.

At various times during my life, I’ve had questions about things I have read in the Bible: things that just didn’t make sense or seemed pretty strange; or statements made in the Bible that didn’t jive with life as I know it. Being very strong on sound, orthodox theology, and always a defender of “true truth,” I just wrote off my misgivings and questions to simply not being able to understand the mind or ways of God. But someday – in heaven – everything would make sense and “we will understand it better by and by.”

I was known for championing “the truth” and disallowing worship songs whose lyrics were not consistent with Biblical concepts.

And then in 2012 something very disturbing and disconcerting happened in the life of our church. I just couldn’t make sense of what occurred. For the first time I was really disillusioned about the efficacy of prayer, for one thing. I began to wonder if God was really listening to His people bringing their deepest requests before His throne day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. And if God WERE listening, why He didn’t respond with an answer that would bring glory to Himself, His Name (reputation) and the Bride of Christ? So my first question about my faith became a momentous catalyst which brought many others to the surface – some of which I had buried for years, and others which came to my mind, one after another. I started to step back from long-held assumptions and presumptions and decided to be open and honest with myself regarding questions that “bubbled to the surface” in my mind.

Do Christians Worship the Same God As Muslims and Jews Do? The Larycia Hawkins Test Case

Jack Cottrell is a Christian professor and author of many books and articles. I know him personally as a professor within the Christian Church and Churches of Christ (non)-denomination of which I was a part of before my deconversion. I've run into a lot of defenders of Christianity like Paul Moser, David Marshall, Victor Reppert, Randal Rauser and others who have said what Cottrell disputes. They have said they worship the same god as Muslims do, by a different name. The aforementioned defenders do so to de-fang the bite of religious diversity. This is typical of what they say.

Well forget them all, Cottrell argues differently right here, and strange as it sounds I agree with him. Now enters Wheaton College, the college that is home to the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism. They agree with Cottrell since they're planning on firing professor Larycia Hawkins for saying Muslims and Christians worship the same God, what Paul Moser, David Marshall, Victor Reppert, and Randal Rauser have all said! Strange isn't it?

Perhaps Cottrell and Wheaton College are forgetting the problem of religious diversity which I stress, which these Christian defenders are responding to when making that claim? Religious diversity is real and deep and world-wide. To say they worship the same God helps minimize the problem of religious diversity but it's disingenuous coming from people who are not honest in defending their faith. To honestly admit they don't worship the same God raises the bar of religious diversity where it rightfully belongs. I see this as a stubborn dilemma Christians must face. Are they worshiping the same God, or not? If so, see what professor Cottrell says. If not, then admit the problem of religious diversity is real and deep and worldwide, and that it's a powerful defeater to the epistemology of a sect-specific Christian faith. Here is Paul K. Moser's response to this news:

Phil Torres: "Is this how World War III begins? Religion, end times, terror and the frightening new Middle East tinderbox"

Phil Torres writes for DC and now also writes for Salon. This is his recent essay: LINK.

Political columnist H.A. Goodman, writer for The Baltimore Sun, The Hill, Salon, and Huffington Post explains in an article what the polls are missing in the current presidential race, and names who he believes will clearly win the next election.

I'm linking to an updated post that now includes a video discussion. In the video the claim is made that the millennials are under-represented by the polls when showing Hillary Clinton's poll numbers to be higher than Bernie Sanders's poll numbers. The fascinating thing is that land lines are used for these polls and pollsters call "likely voters." Those two factors alone disqualify them from being good measurements for which candidate is ahead in the polls, since millennials don't use landlines and historically they haven't voted very much, and yet they overwhelmingly support Sanders. Am I right or am I right? LINK.

David Marshall Not Only Lies, He's Mastered the Art Of Mischaracterization

Somebody Please Stop ME!! David Marshall has dogged my steps on at least a weekly basis for several years now. I don't do that with him. I have hardly ever commented on his blog and have not reviewed any of his books [Edit: Correction, I reviewed one of them, see comments below for explanation]. If it wasn't for the fact that Marshall dogs my steps (which means he thinks what I do is important), and that Christians believe whatever a person with a doctorate says about my books without reading them to know for themselves, and that Marshall somehow has earned a doctorate and asserts without being fully informed that they are bad, I could have saved 100's of hours by not responding to him. He's relentless and indefatigable. Surely he'll consider that a compliment. He's also stubborn, which can be a compliment. But he's also ignorant, deluded and even a liar for Jesus. He's like the proverbial sophomore in college, who has gained just enough knowledge to be overly confident in his intellectual acumen, but still ignorant and not know it. Or, someone who knows just enough to be dangerous. I dislike having to deal with the likes of him. But I must do so.

This is to preface what David Marshall is doing once again, reviewing my recently released book, How to Defend the Christian Faith: Advice from an Atheist.He's doing it on his blog and getting almost everything wrong. He did get it right that I wrote the book though. *Whew*

David Marshall: Liar, Lunatic or Legend in His Own Mind? I Think I Know!

David Marshall is not your average bear. I have heard a few people I respect say there is something mentally wrong with Marshall. Not the usual delusionary stuff found among all believers to different degrees, which evangelicals have to the highest degree. Nope, something else is going on. What it is, hasn't been clear to me until now. I've wondered if it's because Marshall has lived in the Orient so long he thinks like an oriental person rather than an occidental one like ourselves [Readers can disambiguate these differences in the comments if they so desire]. He doesn't think like the rest of us, that's for sure. At the very least Marshall is another liar for Jesus, a person who is unjustifiably certain his faith is true and has mentally absorbed a whole host of lies as truths because of a false assumption he was raised to believe despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. With him the force is additionally strong, since there's no doubt he also suffers from the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Maybe though, he's just a boldfaced unashamed liar?

Quote of the Day On The Value of Philosophy

Philosophy revels in argument substitution, according to which, whenever there isn't sufficient evidence then philosophers can substitute an argument instead. This must stop. If there isn't enough evidence to say one way or another, then an argument on behalf of one way or another is a waste of time. Making an argument without the requisite evidence is unnecessary and earns philosophy its recognized irrelevance and subsequently its derisiveness. Where there isn't sufficient evidence for an idea then a truly wise lover of truth would simply say "I don't know" and not write an article on it. It's this lack of authenticity among philosophers that galls so many non-philosophers, especially when believing philosophers muck up the discipline by writing in defense of their sect specific religious beliefs that by their very virtue have little or no evidence for them.